TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework
Modern use-at-will framework that provides individual components to manage TeamSpeak 3 Server instances
API Documentation


What is the TS3 PHP Framework?

Initially released in January 2010, the TS3 PHP Framework is a powerful, open source, object-oriented framework implemented in PHP 5 and licensed under the GNU General Public License. It's based on simplicity and a rigorously tested agile codebase. Extend the functionality of your servers with scripts or create powerful web applications to manage all features of your TeamSpeak 3 Server instances.

Tested. Thoroughly. Enterprise-ready and built with agile methods, the TS3 PHP Framework has been unit-tested from the start to ensure that all code remains stable and easy for you to extend, re-test with your extensions, and further maintain.

Why should I use the TS3 PHP Framework rather than other PHP libraries?

The TS3 PHP Framework is a is a modern use-at-will framework that provides individual components to communicate with the TeamSpeak 3 Server.

There are lots of arguments for the TS3 PHP Framework in comparison with other PHP based libraries. It is the most dynamic and feature-rich piece of software in its class. In addition, it's always up-to-date and 100% compatible to almost any TeamSpeak 3 Server version available.


The TS3 PHP Framework currently supports PHP 5.2.1 or later, but we strongly recommend the most current release of PHP for critical security and performance enhancements. If you want to create a web application using the TS3 PHP Framework, you need a PHP 5 interpreter with a web server configured to handle PHP scripts correctly.

Note that the majority of TS3 PHP Framework development and deployment is done on nginx, so there is more community experience and testing performed on nginx than on other web servers.


Features of the TS3 PHP Framework include:

  • Fully object-oriented PHP 5 and E_STRICT compliant components
  • Access to all TeamSpeak 3 Server features via ServerQuery
  • Integrated full featured and customizable TSViewer interfaces
  • Full support for file transfers to up- and /or download custom icons and other stuff
  • Powerful error handling capablities using exceptions and customizable error messages
  • Dynamic signal slots for event based scripting
  • ...

Usage Examples

1. Kick a single Client from a Virtual Server

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");
// kick the client with ID 123 from the server
$ts3_VirtualServer->clientKick(123, TeamSpeak3::KICK_SERVER, "evil kick XD");
// spawn an object for the client by unique identifier and do the kick
$ts3_VirtualServer->clientGetByUid("FPMPSC6MXqXq751dX7BKV0JniSo=")->kick(TeamSpeak3::KICK_SERVER, "evil kick XD");
// spawn an object for the client by current nickname and do the kick
$ts3_VirtualServer->clientGetByName("ScP")->kick(TeamSpeak3::KICK_SERVER, "evil kick XD");

2. Kick all Clients from a Virtual Server

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");
// query clientlist from virtual server
$arr_ClientList = $ts3_VirtualServer->clientList();
// kick all clients online with a single command
$ts3_VirtualServer->clientKick($arr_ClientList, TeamSpeak3::KICK_SERVER, "evil kick XD");

3. Print the Nicknames of connected Android Clients

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");
// query clientlist from virtual server and filter by platform
$arr_ClientList = $ts3_VirtualServer->clientList(array("client_platform" => "Android"));
// walk through list of clients
foreach($arr_ClientList as $ts3_Client)
echo $ts3_Client . " is using " . $ts3_Client["client_platform"] . "<br />\n";

4. Modify the Settings of each Virtual Server

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the server instance
$ts3_ServerInstance = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/");
// walk through list of virtual servers
foreach($ts3_ServerInstance as $ts3_VirtualServer)
// modify the virtual servers hostbanner URL only using the ArrayAccess interface
$ts3_VirtualServer["virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_url"] = "";
// modify the virtual servers hostbanner URL only using property overloading
$ts3_VirtualServer->virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_url = "";
// modify multiple virtual server properties at once
"virtualserver_hostbutton_tooltip" => "My Company",
"virtualserver_hostbutton_url" => "",
"virtualserver_hostbutton_gfx_url" => "",

5. Create a Privilege Key for a Server Group

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");
// spawn an object for the group using a specified name
$arr_ServerGroup = $ts3_VirtualServer->serverGroupGetByName("Admins");
// create the privilege key
$ts3_PrivilegeKey = $arr_ServerGroup->privilegeKeyCreate();

6. Modify the Permissions of Admins on each Virtual Server

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the server instance
$ts3_ServerInstance = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/");
// walk through list of virtual servers
foreach($ts3_ServerInstance as $ts3_VirtualServer)
// identify the most powerful group on the virtual server
$ts3_ServerGroup = $ts3_VirtualServer->serverGroupIdentify();
// assign a new permission
$ts3_ServerGroup->permAssign("b_virtualserver_modify_hostbanner", TRUE);
// revoke an existing permission

7. Create a new Virtual Server

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the server instance
$ts3_ServerInstance = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/");
// create a virtual server and get its ID
$new_sid = $ts3_ServerInstance->serverCreate(array(
"virtualserver_name" => "My TeamSpeak 3 Server",
"virtualserver_maxclients" => 64,
"virtualserver_hostbutton_tooltip" => "My Company",
"virtualserver_hostbutton_url" => "",
"virtualserver_hostbutton_gfx_url" => "",

8. Create a hierarchical Channel Stucture

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");
// create a top-level channel and get its ID
$top_cid = $ts3_VirtualServer->channelCreate(array(
"channel_name" => "My Channel",
"channel_topic" => "This is a top-level channel",
"channel_flag_permanent" => TRUE,
// create a sub-level channel and get its ID
$sub_cid = $ts3_VirtualServer->channelCreate(array(
"channel_name" => "My Sub-Channel",
"channel_topic" => "This is a sub-level channel",
"channel_flag_permanent" => TRUE,
"cpid" => $top_cid,

9. Create a simple TSViewer for your Website

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");
// build and display HTML treeview using custom image paths (remote icons will be embedded using data URI sheme)
echo $ts3_VirtualServer->getViewer(new TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html("images/viewericons/", "images/countryflags/", "data:image"));

10. Update all outdated Audio Codecs to their Opus equivalent

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");
// walk through list of chanels
foreach($ts3_VirtualServer->channelList() as $ts3_Channel)
if($ts3_Channel["channel_codec"] == TeamSpeak3::CODEC_CELT_MONO)
$ts3_Channel["channel_codec"] = TeamSpeak3::CODEC_OPUS_MUSIC;
elseif($ts3_Channel["channel_codec"] != TeamSpeak3::CODEC_OPUS_MUSIC)
$ts3_Channel["channel_codec"] = TeamSpeak3::CODEC_OPUS_VOICE;

11. Display the Avatar of a connected User

// load framework files
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");
// spawn an object for the client using a specified nickname
$ts3_Client = $ts3_VirtualServer->clientGetByName("John Doe");
// download the clients avatar file
$avatar = $ts3_Client->avatarDownload();
// send header and display image
header("Content-Type: " . TeamSpeak3_Helper_Convert::imageMimeType($avatar));
echo $avatar;

12. Create a Simple Bot waiting for Events

// load framework files
// connect to local server in non-blocking mode, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987&blocking=0");
// get notified on incoming private messages
// register a callback for notifyTextmessage events
TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal::getInstance()->subscribe("notifyTextmessage", "onTextmessage");
// wait for events
while(1) $ts3_VirtualServer->getAdapter()->wait();
// define a callback function
function onTextmessage(TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Event $event, TeamSpeak3_Node_Host $host)
echo "Client " . $event["invokername"] . " sent textmessage: " . $event["msg"];

13. Handle Errors using Exceptions and Custom Error Messages

// load framework files
// register custom error message (supported placeholders are: %file, %line, %code and %mesg)
TeamSpeak3_Exception::registerCustomMessage(0x300, "The specified channel does not exist; server said: %mesg");
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");
// spawn an object for the channel using a specified name
$ts3_Channel = $ts3_VirtualServer->channelGetByName("I do not exist");
// print the error message returned by the server
echo "Error " . $e->getCode() . ": " . $e->getMessage();

14. Save Connection State in Persistent Session Variable

// load framework files
// start a PHP session
// connect to local server, authenticate and spawn an object for the virtual server on port 9987
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:[email protected]:10011/?server_port=9987");
// save connection state (including login and selected virtual server)
$_SESSION["_TS3"] = serialize($ts3_VirtualServer);

15. Restore Connection State from Persistent Session Variable

// load framework files
// start a PHP session
// restore connection state
$ts3_VirtualServer = unserialize($_SESSION["_TS3"]);
// send a text message to the server
$ts3_VirtualServer->message("Hello World!");

Speed up new development and reduce maintenance costs by using the TS3 PHP Framework!